Teaching Technology, LLC

Contact Ross Libby, 614-307-4276 TeachTechLLC@cs.com

Our logo P + P > 2P is your attorney-based collection-agency path to greater Profit (last "P"). The first "P" stands for "Paper". The second "P" is for Power.

1) We TEACH your electronic court forms to be as stable as "Paper".

2) We TEACH your computer to use more of its advanced programming Power.

These two factors save your firm money three ways. We reduce or eliminate;

1) After merge operator time ($ labor) editing the form (also less errors),

2) The effect of "long data" on the rest of the form,

3) Court rejections because of the above two(2) factors.

Transition from "In-The-Red" to "In-The-Black" for more Profit using our advanced WordPerfect(R)* commands. These commands "Properly-TEACH" WordPerfect(R)* forms to take full advantage of Collection Legal Software(R)* merges.

Qualified attorney-based companies may receive one (1) one-sided page conversion as a sample of our MANY advantages, too numerous to list here. Rated A+ by BBB.

  • *Not affiliated with registered trademarks of WordPerfect(R) or Collection Legal Software(R).